This Emotional Eating and Food Anxiety Assessment will help you find out whether your eating habits are a result of a more deep - rooted issue. It will provide you with a thought provoking chance to examine your relationship with food and thus increasing your self awareness. You will also learn how intermittent has helped me and others to overcome emotional eating. You will also learn how to establish a good relationship with food and manage your eating habits so that you can be control of yourself.
Find Out Now and Liberate Yourself!
Learn More About This Assessment Here.
About The Trainer
Rachel Nekati is an accredited trainer, life coach,author and the founder of Achievement Enterprises. She is married and a loving mother of two. Rachel has successfully delivered high level leadership in her 15 years in banking and a year in the mining industry respectively.
Rachel captures and fascinates her audience with her knowledge, insight and wisdom. Her ability to motivate people to take deliberate and consistent action, ensures that the training gets ingrained in the hearts and minds of participants and enables them accomplish their life goals and objectives.
She has served in many corporate boards and chaired various board subcommittees. Rachel hold a Bachelor of Commerce Degree and many other credentials including Life Coaching, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner and other qualifications.
Having spent a considerable number of years coaching and mentoring people across the world, Rachel finds joy in sharing knowledge, imparting skills as well as changing peoples lives in a positive way.
Rachel has shared her Intermittent Fasting transformational journey in her Internationally published book 'Just Eat - Intermittent Fasting lifestyle'.
Rachel Nekati is driven by Passion, Purpose and Impact.